Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Coming home!

I'm coming home! I've decided to move back to the rain. I am not so keen on leaving Idaho, but I'm very excited about coming home. The certain company, I shall not mention, I was working for here decided they were going to renig on there agreement to let me go to school and work with my schedule. Along with that, I also realized I don't love taking phone calls all day from people who don't know how to manage there finances and think the best way to deal with it is to call me and scream, cuss and call me awful names. For some reason they feel that will solve their financial woes. I don't agree. Anyway, all things considered I figured it best to come back home and find a better job AND get to go to school. The best part is I will be there in about 2 short weeks! It was kind of a quick decision and is going to be a quick move. So, there it is.......and here I come! I'm so excited to see you all again, well at least most of you!

Friday, March 07, 2008


So, I know this is going to be shocking to some and old news to others, but I kinda need to get this out of the way before I can go on to what I really want to blog about. So, Nezar and I are divorced. I know this may come as a surprise to some, but LONG story short-ish.....we have been having problems for years. We had enough. We went to counseling. We tried and tried. We are divorced. So, that's life in a nut shell for the last 5 months.

Life now consists of me and Beth Ann living in a little apartment in an OLD building in downtown Caldwell. It's got sweet 70's orange patterned carpet, wood paneling on the wall, and mustard yellow's AWESOME! But it's only $275/month, so I can deal with a little 70's orange, green and yellow. But it's so cute, with my new pink beach cruiser leaning against the wall by my white computer desk with pink decor, and my striped pink chair. I can hop on "roxie" (that's my beach cruiser), and cruise on down to the market and pick up my groceries, walk a few blocks to the park with Beth Ann, and be in the middle of it all (well, as much goes on downtown Caldwell).

But, to the real question......this is all Jessica Woods' idea, i'm sure you're all shocked by that. But, she seems to think that I should, instead of changing back to my maiden name, pick a new last name. I'm still not sure about the whole thing, but I figured I mine as well get a little more input. So, Arwen has suggested "Pessica" know, Jessica Pessica. I think it's genious, but before I settle I thought I might get a little more suggestions. So, what do you think? Shall it be Jessica Foster again, Jessica Pessica, or your idea? Give me ideas people!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Trailer Trash

So, we've found this place in Boise called Donnie Mac's Trailer Trash. It's just as great as it sounds. It's a restaurant that looks like the inside of a trailer inside. It's got old torn up jeans on the wall, an old Woody sitting in the middle of the restaurant with one of those polar bears you use for Christmas decoration outside (who's heads swing back and forth) sitting on the hood, with a surf board on top. And best of all, you can sit inside and eat. The bars are old tailgates off trucks, stools are tractor seats, and the benches at the tables are benches out of cars. The tables are covered in oilcloth, the art work is very.....well, interesting. There are pink flamingos everywhere. The wait staff is funky, and the food is fabulous. Mac and Cheese, but with a gourmet twist. Chicken burger, but on Ciabatta with a spectacular meld of flavors. It's for the trashy at heart with a fancy appetite. I have to honestly say I never thought we'd find a place so funky in Boise. But I guess, it is still white trash at heart, and there's no problem finding that in Idaho!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

only slightly au naturale

see...i have this friends who's turning a little hippy, and i'm pretty sure her master plan is to turn me too. first it was organic fruits and vegetables, which became much easier when we moved to "little mexico". then it was organic ketchup, organic meat (raising your own sheep has proven to be much cheaper than lamb from Albertsons), and tofu. so far the only way i have found to prepare it that my husband doesn't grimace like a 3 year old is in stir fry, mostly because i truly believe that some how behind those dark arab eyes there is a slight slant (can you say that for the world to read?). now it's tea tree shampoo, trader joe's hand soap, and less chemicals in the house.

however, since our fairly recent move to Idaho, all this natural living has proven to be much more complicated. recycling is quite a chore, driving 40 minutes to be able to recycle glass doesn't seem to be so logical. the majority of people don't even know what "organic" is much less carry any. The plan now is to get a garden in this fall and have it ready for all sorts of fruits and veggies for the spring. Being self sufficient is much easier and healthier. The trick is going to be a compost container that keeps a 100 pound lab that climbs like a goat from eating all the contents! however, hopefully by next summer we will be dining on homegrown veggies, some fruit and our very own free range meat.

any ideas for a way to make things a little more healthy, a little less chemical filled, and a little more earth friendly are all very welcomed. of coarse considering our current location and availability.

now if only we could get those crop dusters coating the field next door with chemicals to stop flying over our house dropping their cancer dust on us!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Remember that one time when Nezar and I moved to Idaho and became sheep farmers?! Well, not really. We just have two, I don't think that counts as "farming". We did get a couple of lambs to raise for meat though. Don't be fooled by the pictures, they are not goats. Even though people like to laugh at me when they see them and tell me I was horn-swaggled (that's what they call it in the buis, when you get screwed over), they are really sheep. They are hair sheep opposed to wool sheep.

It was been an interesting adventure so far. 2 days after getting them Tiana and Sarah came to visit Idaho. So, I pick them up from the airport and the first thing they want to do is see the we go see the lambs. First of all, they are not very impressed because they don't look like lambs, and secondly they are much bigger than they were imagining. (better for me come fall! : )....that was a little sick) Anyway, so they want to pet them...I tell them they have to corner them to be able to touch them. Mind you the pasture they are in is a good acre, with two small sheep......quite a feat! Anyway, they corner them alright and just as they do the little babies get so scared they shoot right through the barbed wire into the much larger pasture next to ours. "Oh @#$( !(#&%&(@(& ", I'm pretty sure that's about what I said. Oh yeah, and did I mention this pasture is full of very large cows and their babies they are quite protective of?! So, to make a very long story a little shorter, about 2 hours later we have the sheep back in their pasture and we are ready to slaughter a little early. We have now learned, don't bother the sheep and there's no problems. I just feed them everyday a little extra grain to get them nice and plump! The funniest thing of all was in the midst of the great sheep chase, after them squirting through every fence in a 5 acre radius and finally into a backyard of someones house, their cattle dog comes out. I'm thinking oh great, here's the end of it. The sheep see the dog, square up, puff up their chest, stomp their feet and run after the dog screaming at the top of their little lungs! I couldn't believe it. The dog, even more surprising, turns and hightails it AWAY from the sheep. Something is the matter here! Well, it wasn't that short of a story, but mildly amusing all the same. Here's a picture of the little hellions!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

When all hope is lost....

Just when I was about to feel like nothing much good comes out of this world I discovered something. Well, I didn't really, someone else did and I latched on. That's just how I am, I'm not very inventive. However, this I latched to tightly. Keens! They are the most fabulous creation ever. It is not just a shoe, it is a marvelous heaven for my feet!

I may have
gone a bit over board with these since the "discovery", but I just can't help it! I wear them every day, even if they don't match! It doesn't matter, my feet are so happy I don't even care. Orange shoes with a purple shirt.....Sure! Why not?! The non-matching thing is in isn't it? Well, that's my little plug for this glorious little company run out of Portland.....Keens, heaven for my feet. Go check them out, they have some very inventive shoes in an array of bright colors and some muted as well. All I can say is that I've got a problem....and new ones come out soon!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

blah blah blah

I have been feeling especially uncreative (spelling? word?), however I have had multiple requests for a new post, so here goes nothing. Not much happens over here, so I will be as amusing as I know how....not very. Nezar has managed to be promoted twice in one week. He's quite amazing! He was first promoted to his own store in Boise, about 45 minutes from our house. Then a few days later he was promoted to a bigger better store 3 mintues from our house. It was a good size raise in pay from one store to the next not to mention the time and money saved not driving 2 hours a day. I'm not sure how this guys does it but things just always seem to work that way for him. : ) Despite all the goodness of the situation it did put a damper on our trip to Europe. We were supposed to be leaving March 15 for 2 weeks to Eurpoe to backpack from Germany down to Morocco. However, with the new promotion we are going nowhere. Boo. But, we still have to use the plane tickets or lose about 3k. So, we will be going somewhere, hopefully still to Europe. Anyway, that is about all that is going on around here. I'm missing you all, especially not being there to take care of Jess like I did with the other "Pickle". It is very hard to be so far away and not be able to help. Well, maybe I will be inspired with some witty thoughts later this week. Or at least some amusing Idahoisms. I included a pic from December when we got some snow, so you guys don't forget what we look like! ta ta